Be the spiritual man 

        Collection of Prayers From

     Praising Life Testimony Message Page 1

by God’s maidservant Esther Aiguang Wang

          Praising Life             
Prayers CollectionPrayers_of_Praising_Life.html


I will extol thee, my God, O King; And I will bless thy name for ever and ever.
Every day will I bless thee; And I will praise thy name for ever and ever.
Great is Jehovah, and greatly to be praised; And his greatness is unsearchable.
One generation shall laud thy works to another, And shall declare thy mighty acts.
Of the glorious majesty of thine honor, And of thy wondrous works, will I meditate.
They will tell of the power of your awesome works, and I will proclaim your great deeds.
They shall abundantly utter the memory of thy great goodness, and shall sing aloud of thy righteousness.       Psalm 145:1-7

O God, please give heed to our prayers
--the praises from the depth of our being:
O glory, glory, Hallelujah! 
O glory, glory, the most high God.
Glorious king-Jesus Christ, we have seen the glorious fact you have accomplished on the cross--your masterpiece, the new creation. 
All your children are shouting aloud for joy in great triumph.From day and night, they praise you. They praise you  with their endless praises. 

O Lord, we praise you as our living water, the fountain of life,we praise you as our way, our truth and our life!
Praise you Lord, our Priest; our King;  our eternal Father and our Prince of peace; Praise you Lord, for being our whole being, whole heart, our whole love and our everything!

Praise you O Lord, our fortress, our protection, our refuge, our bridegroom who is hiding us in the  cleft of the rock - the Christ
O what a blessing , you have let our spirit soar to the throne because of our praises.You have caused our soul to sing day and night before the Father.                        
O what a blessing, you have made our mouth for the purpose of praising you.
O what a blessing, you have made our hands a  colorful pen to exhaustedly write and draw the glory that never has been told.                    

O what a glory: the sinners even became your sons-- your masterpiece-the new creation.

O what a glory: we are your shulamites who love you dearly, your dear bride whom you are getting married!
O what a glorious hope, when the trumpet sounds, the corruptible will be become the incorruptible......    
what a glorious hope ,we shall see the feast of the lamb, the bridegroom and 
the beautiful bride, the new Jerusalem that comes down from heaven......                           
O  what a glorious hope : the wall made of Jasper, the city of pure gold......
 the lamb, the living water that flows out of the  throne of God......                 
There will be no need of lamp nor the light of the  sun in the heavenly city for the Lord God shall shine upon them.
O praising, praising and praising never ends, O glory ,  
O glory our glorious King, He will let us reign with Him for ever and ever.

Hallelujah, praise the Lord, unto God who sits on the throne, and unto the Lamb, be the honor, glory, power, strength, wisdom and blessing for ever and ever!
We pray in your own precious and victorious Name! Amen!


The Holy Spirit searching all things,how you desire us to be filled with the full knowledge of  God’s will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding. O Lord, we thank you, as the day of your coming back is getting closer ever than the day before, through the Holy Spirit, you are calling us according to your own good will and you yourself are doing the work of training to those who want to overcome.

We don’t know what we ought to pray for. We thank you for the Holy Spirit searching all things. Thank you the Holy Spirit searching all things is leading our prayers  and make us know your heart out of the prayers you have given to us. From each word and each line, we will know the will of you and the mystery of you. 

O Lord, you will by the new man , new heart given to us, let us have the proper prayer that will satisfy you and the proper prayer in oneness with the will of you,

You will accept the one accord prayers of the new creation before you.
These prayers will be like incense going up to the throne to manifest your glory exceedingly!

O Lord, we praise you. You are teaching us with the prayers given by the Holy Spirit to fight the enemy to the end. By the one accord prayers, the hell will be shaken greatly--let your enemy the devil run, Let devil be put to shame and be defeated to the end!

O Lord, you are leading your children to become the overcoming saints in your glorious church. By your dear presence, we all will be named the ministers of prayer. We will be prepared for your second coming in praising and praying day and night!
O Lord Jesus, may you come quickly!
Lord Jesus, you will be coming soon! 
Make haste, my beloved, and be you like to a roe or to a young hart on the mountains of spices. 

Hallelujah, praise the Lord! To God who sits on the throne and the lamb be the honor, glory, power, strength, wisdom and blessing for ever and ever!
We pray in the victorious name of our Lord Jesus Christ! Amen!
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